Term Project

- Project Suggestions :

  (1 page project proposal due: May 10, 2007; final project report due: June 12, 2007)

  1. Extend or improve some existing machine learning system in some interesting way.

    Demonstrate your improvements through empirical experiments.

  2. Apply one or more machine learning algorithms to some novel problem of

    interest to you.

  3. Analyse the limit of an existing machine learning algorithm in your own point of view.

  4. Summarize or criticize existing machine learning algorithms in your own point of view.

  5. Your own idea of project (consult with the instructor)

- Examples of Project Topics :

  1. improvement or application of machine learning algorithms:

    ID3 algorithm (ML 3), MLP (ML 4), RBF (ML 8),

    SVM (LD 7), Bayesian Belief Network (ML 6), GA (ML 9), etc.

  2. analysis of learning models:

    - the upper or lower bound on sample complexity

    - VC dimension for neural networks

    - the generalization bounds of neural networks

    - the learning curves of neural networks

  3. survey on the applications of machine learning algorithms to engineering problems

- Example of Project Report Format :

  1. Introduction

  (1.1 Motivation 1.2 Problem Definition 1.3 Related Works)

  2. Description of Your Method (or Algorithm)

  3. Experimental Evaluation

  (3.1 Methodology 3.2 Results 3.3 Discussion)

  4. Conclusion

  (4.1 Summary 4.2 Contribution 4.3 Future Work)

  5. References

- Grading of Project :

  organization and clarity of description ---- 40%

  ideas related to the topic -------------- 40%

  presentation skill ---------------------- 20%